Endodontics – Root Canal
Endodontic – Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Therapy is an essential dental service that helps prevent and correct major oral health issues. Tamiami Dental Center is home to an expert team of dental professionals who are dedicated to improving oral health and the smile of every client. Root Canal in Miami is an incredibly common procedure that helps save teeth and stem nerve decay and infection under teeth.
Each and every year, more than 14 million people have a root canal performed to help save natural teeth. When teeth are dying or infection is present, it is absolutely essential to have a team of dental professionals determine the best course of action. Tamiami Dental Center helps save natural teeth through the use of Root Canal Therapy throughout the year.
Root Canal Therapy is never a popular option, but it is often the only option when it comes to saving drastically damaged teeth and nerve systems. Dental professionals most often recommend a root canal only in the most extreme cases. When teeth should be saved instead of removed, Root Canal Therapy is one of the best options for dying or decaying teeth. Any time decay reaches below the tooth and into the living tooth pulp, advanced dental procedures are needed.
Another major reason root canal therapy is required is due to injuries to teeth. Teeth and roots themselves often require such a service after major injury. The endodontist in Miami at Tamiami Dental Center is well educated and experienced in such therapy. Since we offer a specialist in the field, patients benefit from years of experience. If you think you might need a root canal in Miami, visit Tamiami Dental Center and have a consultation with our team of professionals.
Only a qualified dental professional can diagnose and prescribe the need for a root canal. For those who think they might need a root canal in Miami, check out a few of the symptoms below:
- Overly severe toothaches
- Abscesses on the gums
- Hot and cold sensitivity
- More extreme than usual gum tenderness
- Swelling in the gums
Just one treatment is often enough to complete a root canal in Miami, but sometimes two or three surgeries are needed. At Tamiami Dental Center, we strive to make patients comfortable during each and every treatment. Before a treatment, the area is numbed carefully to prevent pain. Rubber dams are then placed around the tooth to keep the area dry and free of saliva. After that, an access opening is cut on the top of the tooth itself to allow canal files to be placed.
The experienced dentists and endodontists Miami at Tamiami Dental Center then place files into the opening in succession to remove any harmful bacteria, damaged nerve tissue, or pulp. Tooth and root decay is also extracted while the dental procedure is continuing.
Once damaged tissue and root decay is removed, the tooth is sealed and cleaned with temporary or permanent fillings. Any future treatment after the surgery usually consists of filling the spaces in the teeth and within the roots. The final step is often the installation of crowns to permanently secure and seal the treated tooth.
For people with markedly damaged teeth and root systems, Root Canal Therapy is usually the dental service of choice. With a team of dedicated professionals, Tamiami Dental Center offers expertly led Root Canal Therapy to help save damaged and decaying teeth. You’re probably asking yourself “Where can I find endodontics near me?” We’re here to answer that question for you.
Call your Miami root canal treatment center at Tamiami Dental and schedule your appointment!