
Complete Dentures

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Beautiful dentures Miami

Tamiami Dental Center is committed to providing services that help get you smiling confidently again. We create, install, and customize complete and partial dentures for individual clients. Since our office is staffed with variety of dental professionals, we can take care of everything from beginning to end. Pulling out dead and decaying teeth, installing dental implants, and complete design and implementation of dentures are all completed under one roof.

For anyone with missing or damaged teeth, finding the confidence to smile can be elusive. Tamiami Dental Center strives to deliver the most comprehensive set of services to help people get their confidence back. Our complete and partial dentures help replace missing teeth and all surrounding tissues. Dentures, partial or complete, are not a solution for everyone, but are essential for those who need drastic improvements in oral health and smile aesthetics.


Dentures are a permanent option for people who have missing, decaying, or degrading teeth. Choosing to install dentures is a serious decision, but our team of dental professionals is there to guide you through the entire process. People choose dentures for a wide range of reasons.

The list below explains some of the most common reasons patients choose partial or complete denture services:

  • Loss of multiple teeth in one area
  • Smiles that need aesthetic improvement
  • Correction of facial tissue
  • Damaged bit due to misaligned or missing teeth
  • Speech issues resulting from oral health issues
  • Issues with mastication
  • Complete loss of teeth


For people with unhealthy or missing teeth, the benefits of complete and partial dentures are innumerable. Tamiami Dental Center helps Miami-area residents correct missing teeth and all the problems that go along with them. Without the right amount of teeth, the jaw shifts and moves, making bites much less accurate. Often times, remaining teeth move and become misaligned. For these reasons and more, dentures are more than just a cosmetic fix.

The dental team at Tamiami Dental Center helps create customized partial and complete dentures that match a patient’s dental profile. We help remove damaged teeth, create custom dentures, and install them based on individual needs. Every patient that comes in for denture services walks out with a brighter, happier smile.


Dentures are a permanent solution to extreme oral health and cosmetic issues. Getting a complete or partial set of dentures does require multiple appointments that are usually staggered across several weeks. The very first visit to Tamiami Dental Center is a comfortable one where we analyze the oral health issues and identify an individualized plan.

Next, non-vital teeth and partial teeth are removed. After removal, it is essential that gums, tissue, and the entire mouth heals properly. Healing usually takes place over a 4 to 6 week period. During the healing period, we often provide temporary dentures to allow people to continue eating, talking, and their general daily routine.

After the mouth heals, we make very detailed impressions. Then, we invite patients in for another fitting to make sure molds are as accurate as possible. Finally, dentures are actually installed, and the fit is secured to mimic natural teeth.

We are dedicated to making each patient as comfortable as possible with their new dental installation. The team educates patients on how to live with dentures. Cleaning, daily maintenance, and general tips and tricks are all covered in the last partial and complete denture appointment. Come in to Tamiami Dental Center for comprehensive denture installation services.

Ready to transform your smile, Call your Miami denture dental office to schedule your appointment!


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