How Long Does it Take to Straighten Teeth with Invisalign?

who offers the best Invisalign Tamiami?

Invisalign Tamiami is rising in popularity as an effective and worth investing orthodontic solution since patients love that the aligners are nearly invisible and clean. Additionally, it can be removed, cleaned, and put back on with ease. To know how long the straightening will take, the simple answer is that it depends. However, to give you a rough estimate, the simple case of straightening teeth through Invisalign will take for about 6 months. 

who offers the best Invisalign Tamiami?

Process and Healing Period

Does it Take Longer for Adults?

A lot of adult patients ask this question: “How long will it take for my teeth straighten since I’m already an adult?” Invisalign Tamiami doesn’t normally take longer for adults as compared to teenagers and kids. Everyone differs and some patient’s mouth has teeth that can easily adapt to the process while some take more time. Thus, age is never a determining factor when it comes to Invisalign.

How Long will the Gaps Close?

At Tamiami Dental Center, we can use aligners for closing the gaps between teeth; however, there are boundaries. The 6mm maximum gap size of your teeth may be closed for about 24 months while smaller gaps will need a shorter treatment period. In case single or multiple gaps in either the bottom or top row are more than the maximum gap size, Invisalign Tamiami won’t be efficient in closing the gap.

How Long will Crowded Teeth Adjust?

If you have mildly crowded teeth, the adjustment will take about 6 to 12 months. The more complicated your crowded teeth are, the longer for the treatment to take. There are even instances that severe cases of crowding make Invisalign Tamiami, not an ideal treatment.

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Need Professional Opinion on Invisalign Tamiami?

It is always up to your orthodontist to let you know of his or her expert opinion on whether Invisalign treatment will do your teeth any good. Schedule an appointment today!